Twitch | Stepstone
50 cent for every princess that had to be rescued in a video game and we would live in a castle! We are glad, these times are changing! Not every princess needs some saviors, especially not this bunch of hacks, who can’t even save their own skin! It’s one thing to be tied to a stake, but to be stuck there in medieval time is quite another! Our princess takes action!
We have been approached by the wonderful Twitch team, to develop a commercial for Stepstone that integrates seamlessly into the streaming content of Twitch gaming channels. Time to join forces and declare war on antiquated role patterns!

The commercial was made with existing mocap assets and open source characters. By combining animation timelines that where exported to Unreal engine, we managed to build something unique but still generic, to achieve the feeling of a stereotypical game.

Making Of

dyrdee Tasks
Concept, Production, Direction, Animation
Creative Director
Ole Keune
Ljubisa Djukic
Sven Henrichs
2D Animation
Konrad Müller
Antonin Moucha
3D / Unreal Animation
Antonin Moucha
Sohrab Roshanaee
Konrad Müller
Gero Doll
Yen Oanh Nguyen