Working in the animation industry, we know that the things we produce will have an impact on the environment. As part of our production process we always consider the wider implications that our production decisions will have – not just now but into the future. Our activities have an impact on the environment and we feel the need to consider ways within we can conserve energy and minimize our waste.
We still have a way to go, but as a business we are committed to make sure that dyrdee is environmentally sustainable and creates environmentally sustainable services. Part of this is that we have developed an environmental action plan, where we can define (and share) the actions we are taking.
We are dedicated to improve our environmental performance through:
+ Integrating environmental factors into our decision making processes
+ Comply with all relevant environmental legislation
+ Continually monitor and improve our environmental performance by creating a shared environmental action plan
+ Increase environmental awareness amongst employees and clients

+ We are using green energy in our studio
+ Our website hosting uses renewable energy and wherever possible we will ensure that any digital services we design will be built efficiently and uses renewable energy rendering
+ We regularly audit our data to ensure that we are not storing more data than required
+ We use electricity in a responsible way and switch off any electrical items when not in use by implementing an auto log-off system

Waste management and recycling
+ We ensure responsible disposal of our waste
+ We reuse or recycle everything we are able to

+ We often work remotely and encourage client meetings to be online if they are not local to us
+ When we are required to attend client meetings, public transport, green transport or access by foot is encouraged whenever possible
+ We encourage our staff to be active themselves and use bikes or walk, if possible

Goods and services
+ When purchasing goods or services we take into account the environmental performance of suppliers, goods and services and will favor environmentally sustainable options over cost
+ Reduce the delivery of food orders and encourage our staff to see lunchtime as a real break, step outside and reset / disconnect from the work space

Our culture
+ We encourage and support creative ideas and environmental initiatives from our team
+ We make environmental sustainability a part of our work by considering the environmental implications of the things we design – both now and into the future
This policy was created on 9th August 2019 and we will review and improve upon this policy periodically to ensure we are meeting our objectives and to monitor our progress.

We are implementing an internal voting system for projects that might violate our ethical standards or come from sources that negatively impact the environment and society.

Short term 06/2023
- Reduce the total number of deliveries supplying our office to 10% compared to the deliveries in 2022
- Provide 100% organic, local, and fair-trade refreshments
- Zero food waste
- Reduce unnecessary energy consumption for electronic devices, screens and monitors
- Enact a voting system for potential new projects that might be questionable
Mid term 06/2025
- Finance public transport and train rides for staff
- Zero single-use plastic at the office
Rykestrasse 2
10405 Berlin